
Before starting, I was concerned that I would be asked to change to an eating regime that was totally alien to me and that it would use a lot of supplements, which was not true.

I liked the weekly check in. It kept me focused and a telephone call is fine for that. You responded with positive solutions when I was having difficulties and praised my achievements rather than dwelling on the failures but I would also say that you were firm. You didn’t let me lose sight of the goals I agreed with you and you rightly reminded me that they are MY goals not yours. I also really appreciated your punctuality

I would definitely recommend you to a friend.


I’m feeling fantastic! Having felt like something wasn’t quite right for some time I wanted to do something but wasn’t sure exactly what and I was a little apprehensive initially as I didn’t appreciate how much what we put into our bodies can have such a big effect on the way we feel and can cause unwanted symptoms.

Helen explained everything to me, at each step, in a way in which was easy for me to understand and she is obviously extremely knowledgeable.

The recipes she gave to me were tailored to my needs and around what I did/didn’t like to eat and she also took into account the fact that I often cook for my children and partner.

I now feel like I have a much better understanding as to what are the right and wrong foods for me.

She’s very approachable and friendly and I enjoyed the weekly check-in sessions to make sure I was on the right track but I could also contact her at any other time for help. Thank you so much!!

Sonya Jolly

Helen was easy to talk to. I found her extremely knowledgeable and professional. She gave me personal advice and signposting on food, supplements, exercise and a blood test after listening carefully to my concerns and needs.

The meal plans she put together for me are great. The food is delicious and I feel inspired to cook again! It tastes so good, I wonder why I haven’t been eating like this all my life?! After only a short time I already feel some improvement in my energy levels and am feeling more positive that it’s possible to really make a difference to how I feel by eating well, exercising, getting the right nutrients and sleep. I know it seems obvious and it’s what we are told all the time, but having this thorough personal and specific assessment, information and encouragement, I feel will really make a difference, long term, to the choices I make.

Mrs S. Smith

I had a few worries before starting the programme including if I would have the dedication to my own health. I knew I would need to put work into my health to make the changes. Also, my reaction with supplements before has been quite negative, so I worried about this.

I liked that you showed patience with me. The care you took to look into the issues I was having gave me confidence in the advice you gave me.

Helen is knowledgable, kind and caring. All the attributes you want from a health care professional.


I am now, for the first time in a 20-year struggle around food, shopping and inactivity, enjoying shopping, cooking, eating and activity. Somewhere I desperately wanted to be when I first met Helen but felt was unachievable. I cannot thank Helen enough or the friend who first recommended her. Helen is simply a nurturing mentor who has immense knowledge not just about nutrition but about people’s emotions and she is an excellent coach.

Thanks Helen

Finance Manager

Helen helped me with my diet as I was asked to do the fodmap diet by my specialist doctor. I found this really hard but Helen helped me to start the diet. Her help and professional advice has helped me greatly with my diet & my illness. Helen is so supportive I would highly recommend her.  Thank you Helen for helping me to understand food, my gut & brain

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